Saturday, May 5, 2007

Photos of Camper Launch

Removed garage door header to get camper out of garage/shop.

Jacking camper up - 4" at a time on concrete blocks.

Backing truck up - underneath camper.

Profile shot of camper on truck.

Another shot of camper on truck.

Front view of camper on truck.

Inside camper - view of A/C unit mounted on ceiling.

Interior - custom-made cushions and table.

Stable-lift jack system - assembly in progress.

1 comment:

Eli Torres said...

Great Job!
Congratulations! your camper looks very good (Lots of work) I like campers, in 1968 I bought my first and 1972 I got me a Self-Contained unit then after two Motor homes (Itasca and Vectra) I went back to another Fully Self Contained Camper (Lance) and I love the versatility of it. I am not that much of a Handyman and lack the patience to build one.
Congratulations again, and hopely some day I can see your camper, as I live in Texas too (San Antonio)
Eli Torres